Oklahoma's Premier Injury Law Firm

Martin Jean & Jackson Martin PeachSponsors 4 Outstanding Special Olympic Athletes from Oklahoma

At Martin Jean & Jackson, we were honored to have supported and sponsored four incredible athletes at this year’s Special Olympics. This year’s games marked the 50th anniversary for Oklahoma Special Olympics.

Take a closer look at each of the Special Olympic athletes from Oklahoma our firm sponsored this year:

  • Christian Mayberry – When Christian was 16 years old, he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after an intoxicated adult operating an ATV crashed into a ditch, causing him to be ejected. He was in a coma for five months before waking up, then in and out of various rehab facilities to recover until the insurance company stopped its payments. With the help of Hands Across the Bay, Christian received the medical care he needed to thrive as a TBI survivor. This was Christian’s first year to compete in the Special Olympics. He competed in bocce and took home a bronze medal!
  • Chris Paynter – Chris is a multi-sport world champion with Down syndrome. Since he was 10 years old, Chris has been competing in the Special Olympics, winning hundreds of gold medals in powerlifting and alpine skiing. He works in the document destruction department at the Meadows, which employs 40-60 people with disabilities at any given time. Chris also sits on the board of directors for the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR), a Special Olympics fundraiser.
  • Ashley Kohlun – Ashley is a national champion in swimming who has been competing in the Special Olympics games throughout the United States since she was 8 years old. She also bowls and plays bocce. As an athlete with Williams Syndrome, Ashley is able to overcome her struggles in the swimming pool, capturing several gold medals. She is also an Active Global Messenger for Special Olympics Athlete Leadership programs to help athletes serve meaningful leadership roles.
  • Greg Ashworth – Greg is a national champion swimmer who has competed in the Oklahoma Special Olympics since its first games in 1969. He has won gold medals at State, National, and World games on several occasions. Despite his many medals and wins, he will not hesitate to forfeit a race in order to stop to help others.

Our firm is proud to support special needs athletes in Oklahoma and we congratulate each athlete who competed!


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