After an accident, many people make the mistake of assuming their claim is worthless and fail to file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations. Determining the outcome of your case can be impossible to predict and this uncertainty quenches the potential of many viable personal injury lawsuits. However, there is no greater mistake than not seeking the compensation you deserve. The value of your claim cannot be accurately projected without professional advice from a team of specialists to assess the situation, such as a physician or traffic accident expert. Our team at Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachcan help you gain further understanding of this complicated process while ensuring your needs are met.
What Damages Can I Recover?
Depending on the specifics of your particular case, you may be eligible to pursue, economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. Economic damages refer to any financial losses which can be tracked with a paper trail and they include medical bills, physical therapy, property repair costs, loss of work or wages, legal fees, etc. You can easily support these claims with adequate documentation, thus making them quite difficult to dispute.
Non-economic damages are fiscally intangible losses that compensate for the physical and psychological suffering an individual endures after an accident or injury. These claims must be evidenced on a case-by-case basis with the help of various professionals such as a mental health specialist. You can seek recovery for any physical pain, disabilities, permanent scarring, impairments, loss of ability to enjoy life, and mental trauma such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
Punitive damages serve as a form of punishment for a particularly reckless individual as well as to deter others from partaking in similarly outrageous misconduct. Less common than other means of obtaining compensation, punitive damages are awarded in situations involving intentional harm or extreme negligence.
Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers Offering Top-Rated Legal Guidance & Counsel
Have you been injured in an accident due to the negligence or misconduct of another? We know you are likely unprepared for what this unfortunate incident will bring, which is why our knowledgeable team at Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachis prepared to handle the complexities of your case with ease. Allow us to fight to prove the other party’s negligence and ensure your voice is heard.
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