Oklahoma's Premier Injury Law Firm

Electric Scooters Now Hospitalize More People than Bicycles

After studying local ER admissions over the course of a year, a group of Los Angeles researchers uncovered a troubling new trend: More people were sent to the ER after riding electric scooters than for walking on foot or riding a bicycle. Although many parts of the country are still untouched by the electric scooter craze, these vehicles have now come to Oklahoma cities in full force – leaving many public health officials and personal injury attorneys worried about the future of our roads.

Our accident lawyers at Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachhave helped more than 15,000 clients recover well over $15 million, because we understand how to pursue many different types of motor vehicle accident claims. Whether you were injured while riding an electric scooter or struck as a pedestrian, we can help you hold the right party accountable and seek compensation for your personal and medical costs.

Why Are Electric Scooters So Dangerous?

Electric scooter companies like Bird and Lime haven’t been around for long, and most areas only began to allow these vehicles within the last year. That means it has been difficult for health officials to gather accurate scooter accident metrics, or to truly measure the impact of these new vehicles.

Los Angeles, however, is the birthplace of many electric scooter startups, and has borne witness to the scooter phenomenon long enough to start tracking it. In the recent study, researchers concluded that from September 2017 to August 2018, more than 249 patients received treatment for scooter injuries, as compared to 195 for bicycle injuries and 181 for pedestrian injuries at the same emergency rooms.

Some of the most common injuries that resulted from scooter accidents included:

  • Lacerations and abrasions
  • Bone fractures
  • Brain injuries and concussions
  • Sprains
  • Contusions
  • Hip dislocations and fractures
  • Joint injuries

To remedy the widespread lack of research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are currently planning to study scooter injuries in Austin, and for the first time this research will be overseen by federal epidemiologists. When you combine the available data with anecdotal reports from hospitals around the country, it seems clear that electric scooters could be causing increased injury risks for their riders, pedestrians, and other vehicles.

About Oklahoma Scooter Regulations

Now that Oklahoma has been invaded by flocks of Birds and Limes, major urban centers are seeing the effects – and the repercussions – first-hand. But there are very few state laws governing the use of these vehicles, and Oklahoma Statute §47-1-133.3 clearly states that riders are not required to have a driver’s license, or to register the vehicle at all.

However, the City Councils have also been creating their own rules and regulations in order to reduce risks. In Tulsa, electric scooters have been classified as “Small Vehicles” and are subject to the same rules as bicycles and other micro-transportation vehicles. In Oklahoma City, riders are forbidden to use electric scooters on sidewalks and are required to yield to pedestrians and traffic.

Time will only tell how these electric scooters are regulated in the future, but for the time being, it’s important to carefully review the scooter regulations in your city before hopping onto a Bird. If you are involved in a tragic scooter accident, our skilled Oklahoma lawyers can provide prompt assistance and compassionate counsel for your case.

Call Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachat for a consultation!
