Once a year, on a cheerful and spooky night, we open our doors to a parade of costumed children gleefully chanting some variation of the “Trick-or-Treat” rhyme. Despite its weird history and frightening reputation, Halloween, at its core, is about children dressing up and having fun. However, accidents and malicious acts do occur, so it’s important to make appropriate preparations to ensure that your child can have a safe nighttime adventure.
To embrace the holiday spirit, the personal injury attorneys at Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachhave compiled a list of safety tips to keep you and your child safe this Halloween:
- Plan out a safe route in advance so you don’t get lost. If your older children are going out alone, establish a curfew and keep in contact with them throughout the night.
- Always make certain that your child is with a trusted adult.
- If you can, try to plan a group outing with friends or other parents in the neighborhood. There is always safety and fun in numbers when it comes to trick-or-treating.
- Only go to houses that have porch lights on, and never let your child walk into a stranger’s home alone.
- Plan bright costumes that are easy to see even in the dark. In fact, fasten reflective tape and bright stickers to your child’s costume to prevent car accidents.
- Make sure all toy props are safe for a child to play with.
- Try to stay on well-lit sidewalks and only cross the street at designated corners. Use traffic signals and crosswalks whenever possible.
- Make sure that you and your child both have flashlights or glowsticks. The light may protect you from tripping on natural hazards and neighborhood decorations. Most importantly, it helps drivers notice you in the dark.
- Never, under any circumstances, accept rides from strangers.
- When your child’s spooky trek is over, examine their treats for choking hazards, razors, and other unsafe items.
Seek Legal Representation
We want you and your family to have a very happy and safe Halloween this year. However, if an accident does occur and you require legal representation, contact Martin Jean & Jackson Martin Peachimmediately. Our Oklahoma personal injury attorneys practice in Ponca City, Stillwater, and Tulsa.
Call Martin Jean & Jacksonat to schedule a consultation.